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What is a Padparadscha Sapphire?

Sapphires come in a wide variety or colors. Some colors are common, some colors are rare and some colors are so rare they are hardly seen. One of the most rare sapphires is the ever-beautifulPadparadscha Sapphire.

What is Padparadscha Sapphire?

Padparadscha sapphires are not generally well known to the general public but gemstone collectors treasure them. They are very beautiful with colors that are amazing.

Padparadscha is a derived from a Sinhalese word for “aquatic lotus blossom” with a beautiful salmon color. The color for the padparadscha sapphire can range from a salmon color with a pinkish hue to an orange hue. They also tend to not be evenly colored, they can have color zones with pink and yellow hints around their salmon color.

Being So Rare…

With the Padparadscha Sapphire being extremely rare, they often times have asymmetrical cuts. Clarity is important in the padparadscha’s because with their light coloration inclusions are easily revealed. High clarity may need to be sacrificed to obtain a brilliantly colored stone. It is difficult to find a padparadscha over two carats in weight. When one is found it is considered exceptional and extremely rare.

Where are they from?


Padparadscha’s are also be considered rare because of their limited locale. They are commonly from Sri Lanka but are also found to be from Madagascar and Tanzania. The finest padparadscha sapphires are believed to come from Sri Lanka. Stones coming from Madagascar are usually found to be pinker in color than orange and they are sold for about 20% less than those from Sri Lanka.

Padparadscha sapphires from Madagascar are at times heat treated to intensify their pink coloration. They are heat treated at very low heat temperatures, where as padparadscha’s from Sri Lanka will be heat-treated at higher heat temperatures when heat-treated. The heat-treated padparadscha’s from Madagascar are often recommended over the ones from Sri Lanka because of the temperature they are treated at.

Pricing Information

The padparadscha is by far the world’s most rare sapphire. They have become a collectors stone and are generally purchased as quickly as they are found. Padparadscha’s are sold at a price close to that of a fine blue sapphire and it is not unheard of finding them priced at several thousand dollars per carat. Padparadscha’s are one of the world’s most expensive gemstones, their value will vary due to size, quality and color.


In Conclusion

The padparadscha sapphire is absolutely gorgeous. They are unique and rare with a color variation that will leave a person stunned. Each stone is simply amazing and you will not find two that are alike. The padparadscha presents beauties that can’t be denied, and should be snatched up when found. Just make sure that what you are paying for is truly a padparadscha and have your stones tested by a well known germsone laboratory such as the GIA.

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